
The Political Geology of Nuclear Waste Governance in Sweden

Auteur Martin EDSTRÖM
Directeur /trice Rony Emmenegger, [email protected]
Co-directeur(s) /trice(s) Christine Bichsel, [email protected]
Résumé de la thèse

Is part of the SNF Project “Nuclear Strata: The Political Geology of Nuclear Waste Governance” (2024 – 2027) led by Dr. Rony Emmenegger. This social science project focuses on the interplay between politics and geology in nuclear waste disposal programs, scrutinizing the politics around geology and the geological stratum in which nuclear waste ought to be disposed. It examines ethnographically how subterranean strata manifest and consolidate in discursive and material form at various science-society interfaces at the surface. On that basis, the project examines the co-constitution of the Earth’s stratified composition and the formation of (post-)nuclear nation-states.

Statut au début
Délai administratif de soutenance de thèse 2028
URL https://www.unifr.ch/directory/fr/people/396038/ba5c1